성경 - 페북

잡설 2012. 12. 2. 00:02

죽기 전 후회없는 삶을 살려면 어떻게 해야 하는지 사람들에게 물어보니, 1) 매일 반성하고. 2) 불의에 굴하지 않는 용기를 가지고. 3) 가치 있는 것을 남겨라. - 카톨릭 주보 의 강론 글에서.


You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
And they do not light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, so that it may shine to all who are in the house.
- Matthew 5: 14-15


위 영어 성경이 이해가 안되어서 한글 성경을 보니, 다음과 같다.(가만히 보면, 절대 쉬운 문장이 아니다.)


등불은 켜서 함지 속이 아니라 등경 위에 놓는다. 그렇게 하여 집 안에 있는 모든 사람을 비춘다. (마태 5:15)

 It's a part of the Gospel we had today. And I realized something new. It is about 'Light'. Light is not only light itself, but also a mirror.

The word 'Light' doesn't only mean 'light' as in brightness, but it also represents a 'Mirror'. The mirror here make people retrospect what they have done.

빛의 기능이 비추는 것만이 아니다빛과 그늘을 드러낸다성자는 빛일 뿐만 아니라 사람들의 거울도 된다


In 루가 gospel 23:34, Jesus said, "They don't know what they are doing." Last night I took part in my farewell party from A team to B team. Suddenly the sentence of Bible appeared in my mind as I have not understood the meaning of it, at all by then.


I am always wondering how water changed into wine. I know that ferment and some amount of time is needed to make alcohol. Material miracle is always difficult for me to understand, in comparison to the cure miracle. Because I think disease can be better by the mind's peace and body's immune system, when it comes to the cure miracle. But in case of the material miracle, I cannot help but consider scientific law. ^^


‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’ Mt 5.3
My wife asked me what it means recently. I have no answer.  


This case is my question I found reading the Bible. Lk 16, 1-13 'I tell you make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.' I was really confused when reading it, last year.


Last year, for about 1 month, I read new Testament suddenly. It was very interesting time for me. I can have some afford to enjoy Paul's old style beliefs. Mean time, I cannot catch the parable only. I believe each person has the each portion as his intelligence can conceive.


I am not the debater who are trying to find some problem in text. Just the story has appeared to me, about what it means, so naturally. It can have been a kind of rejoice to me. And that is the first doubt in Bible I found for myself. Because it is my will that made me read over the Bible first, last year. ^^"


예수의 형제로 복음에 언급된 사람은 남자로서는 4명인데, 야고보 외에도 시몬, 요셉(또는 요세), 유다가 있다. 요한복음서에는 특히, '쌍둥이라 불리는 도마' 라는 명칭으로 4번 나온다. 여기서 도마는 곧 쌍둥이(t'oma, didymos)란 뜻이어서 동어반복인데, 그가 바로 공관복음서에서 예수의 형제로 언급된 유다이며, 예수의 쌍둥이로 불리웠다는 것이다. (김용옥, 도마복음이야기 제1권 에서)


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